Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Fun!

We did something very important this morning - we "wrote" letters to Santa Claus. I got to enjoy some great one-on-one time with each kiddo as we worked together to write their letter to Santa. Everyone signed with a hand-print! These are super-cute! They'll go home in an envelope tonight so everyone's moms and dads can "send" them to Santa (or keep them for a wonderful keepsake!)

We did a little cookie cutter stamping to make some fun collages.

We finished up our gifts for Mom and Dad, wrapped them and put them under the tree!

We spent some great time in free-play this morning - everyone was playing very nicely and working together very well - always great to see!

Here, B says he is being Dawny as he "reads" to the other kids! Love it!

We've been having fun singing a lot of silly Christmas songs - here's one of our favorites! (and yes, there's some pushing during the video. I tried a couple times to redo it so they all seem like little angels - not pesterers and pushers, but this was actually the best one! :o) Kids are kids, after all!)

Tonight, as a gift to all my daycare families, I am keeping all the kids - and their older siblings - until 10:00pm. We're going to have a pizza party, make some fun crafts, watch a movie and enjoy some ice cream! Should be lots of fun! There will be pictures to follow!

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