Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy 15th to My "Baby"

OK, Honestly, I'm sort of freaking out today. It's not like it snuck up on me. I watch her grow up every day. but, my baby, my first-born, turns 15 years old today! That's only 3 years from being an "adult". She's almost grown and leaving me. How did that happen? Where did the time go?

Just yesterday it seems she was this teeny tiny bundle of smiles that would giggle when we'd "wiggle-wiggle" her - and she fit just perfectly in our two hands. She was just the little toddler that loved to climb on her daddy and get piggy back rides and wrestle. She would fill the pockets of her overalls with bugs. I've watched her move from the stroller to the wagon to a bike with training wheels to a big-girl bike to a four-wheeler to driving the car.

Tyler, I wish for you the happiest birthday yet. I thank God for every moment of our 15 years together. I am so proud of the young woman you are - for your sense of humor, for your kindness, for your intelligence, for your ambition, for the friend you are, for the daughter you are, for the sister you are, for your uniqueness, for your faith - for everything you are.

Happy Birthday, Baby - I love you!


Laura Fluke said...

I love her outfit! She is so growing up! What a proud mom you are, you have done so well as a parent and role model for her!

sonflower said...

Happy Birthday Tyler!!!