Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fabulous Food Groups - Continued!

We've continued our journey through the food groups and the kids are loving it and totally getting into it. Whenever we eat, they have to figure out which foods belong in what groups - love seeing what they're learning being put into action!

This week we've learned about vegetables by tasting a variety of fresh vegetables. I'm so happy to see so many of the kiddos enjoying raw veggies! They are such brave tasters, too!

We also painted with some fresh veggies to make beautiful, colorful art.

Today was Grains day - we made a collage of different kinds of grains - flour, noodles, rice, oatmeal and cereal.

We also made some rolls together - we are all looking forward to snacktime when we get to taste them!

We are looking forward to still exploring the meat group and my favorite - sweets & treats! Yum!

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