Monday, December 21, 2009

My Son - The Artist!

Last Thursday was the 5th & 6th Grade Vocal & Band Christmas Concert. Spencer had been excited for weeks about getting to perform fun songs in the vocal portion and perform his trumpet for the first time ever! Then, to add to the excitement - they held an art contest at school; All the art class students drew pictures and their classmates voted on them. The winner of the most votes got to have their art duplicated on the front of all the concert programs. And the winner was - SPENCER! Yep, my baby, my 11 year old little man. I was so proud! He was jazzed, too!

To be honest, 5th & 6th grade concerts are not my favorite way to pass the time during the holiday season -- usually. The vocal portion is usually so quiet and un-emotional because the kids have passed out of the adorable stage and into the somewhat self-conscious stage. The band is very beginner. But, this year I was excited because my son was the cover artist for the program and I couldn't wait to go and support him. They even announced it in the beginning of the program. He was already somewhat mortified as he stood up on the risers by his special friend, Ali, who he has stood by in every program since the beginning of time... He was mortified because his mother was being somewhat obnoxious and making heart fingers at them and just generally harassing them. Then, when the principal announced that it was Spencer's art on the front, he positively glowed red - it was great!

And, then, to top off the evening... it was a great concert! The 5th grade classes sounded great in all the songs they sang and the band did an incredible job, too! I had a very nice time and I was so proud of this kid!

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