Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another Sad Good-Bye: Miss K

I've known it was coming. I've watched her grow up. Her mom and I have discussed it for months, but I still just don't want to think about it. Tomorrow is Miss K's last day at our daycare; she's growing up and moving on to the school's child care program.

It's the name of the game and I know it's part of the circle of child care, but dang it.... I don't like having my kids leave me to go to school! Miss K has been with me for just over 3 years and her big sister, Miss E, for several years before that... These girls have been part of my daycare family for a very long time and darn it if they didn't just grow up on me. If I could just keep all the kids in our group forever, that'd be OK with me (OK, honestly, most of the time - hahaha), but I imagine the kids, as they grow up to be, oh - the age of my first group of kiddos, Montana, Tana and Hali - 15, they might disagree. I've said good-bye to lots of kids and it stings each time, but I love meeting up with them from time to time as they grow up.

It was been a priviledge to watch Miss K grow from the cherub-faced, baby-clinging little toddler to the funny, smart, inquisitive, beautiful girl she is now. I know I'll still see her around - that's the joy of living in a small town, but I will miss her being a part of our daily routine. Miss K keeps us on task as we're working and is a leader for her friends at playtime. She is a little sponge that just soaks up knowledge and will be a real treat for her teachers.

I'm also very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with her parents - good people, good parents and people that will always remain a part of our daycare family. It is families like theirs that make it possible for me to keep doing what I do for as long as I have.

While I'm sad to be losing the daily connection with Miss K, I am excited to see her in school programs and around town as she grows up. Love you guys...


Laura Fluke said...

That is so sad! I know you have blessed their family as much as she has blessed your daycare one! If you were not connected and a great provider, it wouldn't be so hard to say Good Bye!!!

Anonymous said...

So I am sitting at my desk, trying to hold back the tears. My little Miss K and I have been talking about it alot that last few days, and I know that she and the other kiddos are going to miss her too!

Great picture of the group!

Anonymous said...

I knew I shouldn't have checked the post today! I didn't know if you would have something this morning or later today. I am bawling at my desk right now. I know this isn't goodbye because we will still see you around but I am so sad. I really thought I was ready for this but clearly I'm not! Thank you so much for everything you have done for us over the years. You truly have been a blessing!!!!!! We love you!
