Monday, May 18, 2009

Busy Weekend - Back At It Monday

It seems like I am always talking about how busy things are - it just feels lately like we're running non-stop. We do run alot, and we've been getting a lot done.

For instance - Saturday, B and I spent a good part of the day in "town", running errands. We spent hours, literally hours, at Blackburn's Nursery, my new favorite place to browse. They have gorgeous flowers and plants, and incredible gifts inside as well - I could easily blow a lot of money there! We got flowers and dirt to finish off the whiskey barrel planters the family got me for Mother's Day. Then we ran to Toys R Us, because I wanted to pick up Hula Hoops for the kiddos to play with and a wading pool for the warm summer ahead. We stopped for a while for lunch at Hardee's, which, I must say is may new favorite hamburger place! After lunch, it was off to Michael's and Hobby Lobby to look into framing options for the enlargement of our family picture I had done. This will now be a project for a later time. Then WalMart....

Ahhhhh. WalMart on a Saturday afternoon. Is there any place better?? Aaarrrgggghhhhh! I helped B pick some new glasses, we ordered contacts, then he had to go to get a couple things done at work, so I headed into the Monstrosity that is Wally World and worked through our list, after attempting an exchange at the Customer Service desk - also, a project for a later time now. B got done at work and met me back in WalMart to finish up.
By this point it was after 5! How in the heck did that happen? We came home, changed and dug right into getting my planters beautified! We planted both the whiskey barrels (after filling them with all the dirty), then several pots for the deck. All that, too, took a long time.
(No, that is not a headstone - we inherited it with the house and I'm sure we'll have it carved someday!)

We got done with everything - clean up included - after 8, had dinner, watched a little tv, cleaned up again, headed to bed....
Sunday morning... Yes, I am crazy. There was so much we wanted to do that I didn't know when I was going to fit in groceries and any recreation time unless I really spaced things out. B and I left shortly after 6am to head into Wally World for groceries. Yes, we were just there the day before, but that was other errands, groceries are a beast of themselves that I do not combine with other errands - too, too much stuff otherwise. We came home, unloaded, ate breakfast, cleaned up, grabbed the kids and headed BACK into town. B wanted the kids to pick a book each as an end-of-school-year celebration, so off to Barnes & Noble we went. Then to Target because Miss T needed a new (bigger) swimsuit and the other 2 had a little Christmas money still to spend. Finished there, headed off to B's friend, Alan's to pick up the stove he's giving us. The plan is to eventually get it set up downstairs so I can fix all the daycare meals downstairs and not being running up and down with a tray all the time... Then home. Nope, we didn't make it to church - made the executive decision that we needed some family time together this week.

We ate lunch and then I laid around like a cat in the sun for a while. While I was a bum, B was loading up our fishing gear. Finally - a little R and R with the family! We headed to our favorite little fishing hole and tried our luck for a while. It wasn't a fish-fest, but we did catch a few. We had an audience when we were there, too - which was making the kids a little nervous (S was wearing a red shirt, he was certain it was like a flag to these bulls.)

B caught the first (very little fish), and the second (very little fish). C caught the next one - a nice little catfish.

She wasn't sure about holding him afterward, but she was very proud of her catch. T caught one just shortly after C, but was way down the bank and tossed him back in before we got a picture. I caught the next guy - a nice little bass.

And right as we said, OK - Last cast.... B caught this one.... (though I think I won for the day...)

We enjoyed grilled burgers at a time that was actually not yet dark! And then the Survivor Finale. A good end to a busy weekend.
Today the daycare kids have really enjoyed the beautiful weather and the new hula hoops; they've been practicing really hard. I'll put up pictures of their efforts soon!

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