Friday, September 11, 2009

On the Farm

A couple weeks ago we celebrated the girls' birthdays our at my parents, on their "Hobby Farm". We had a great time eating a delicious breakfast together, opening gifts for the girls and just hanging out. I think we all had the most fun that day playing with the critters! Many of the critters are like pets and we had a blast lovin' on them!

There's the donkeys - the Mama donkeys are so sweet and just come up and nuzzle you and love to be petted...

And then there's the babies - Oh My Gosh! So sweet! Fuzzy and soft. Just look at those faces!

And the Baby Goats - my absolute favorite! It was so much fun to catch them, but when you did, your heart just melted. They're so tiny and soft and those itty bitty little faces....

This is one of my favorite pictures - Love that kid!

Look! I've got it!

Love this sequence of pictures! Got some goats...

Gettin' Squirmy...

And then there's the Daddy Goat... Tough lookin'

And Baxter...

Herds of guineas...

Flocks of chickens...

There are beautiful peacocks, too - somehow I missed getting pictures of them this day...

All sorts of things the kids can turn into playthings...

We love hangin' out at the Hobby Farm - getting to be with Nana and Papa and all the critters - so much better than any petting zoo!

1 comment:

Hege Renate - said...

It looks really great. But I coudn't see any pictures of your parents.

Have you heard anything from your brothers?